You are who you can be
You are who you can be
You are the person you want, you are the greatness you have attained, and you are the score you have attained in life exam. I once was watching the movie “Three Idiots” I remember the principal of the college telling the students that life is a race…from birth to death. It was meant to motivate the students study hard as they thought it was a real race, I did not like what the professor said, but now have come to the realization that we are in competition with no one.
We are not in a competition with no one; we are in competition with our own life. Look every-where; there are a successful people and unsuccessful people. All these people have helped in setting the standards and drawing the line on sand where you should always see as the boundaries, I mean as the lowest point and as the higher point you wish to be or exceed if you have to.
You are who you see you are, if you see yourself to falling into one of those two categories, you are possibly going to attain one, if you aim to be higher there is no limit you can’t go through, if all your heart and mind will be there, and if you think of greatness that you can’t attain it will be no coincidence.
As we have seen the standards the successful and unsuccessful set, let say irrespective of age and experience, irrespective of knowledge and skills, the life is there take it, build the greatness you want as you know the standard of unsuccessful and that should be your starting point.
In a scale of one to ten, if you have not taken any step, you are just at step one, you need start taking little but steady steps towards ten.
Three mistakes of the unsuccessful
Failure to understand what basically should be attained.
I know everyone has faced this on their life journeys. You possibly had a project started when you realized it is not going to take you anywhere, and then you start another one, organize yourself and restart. That point is an important turning point in anyone’s life, that’s when you realize what you want and lay down a plan on how you will get there.
Anything serious will start with a solid plan drawn after understanding what you need, and how you will get them.
If there are two people who want to be financial independent. The first man’s goal is to get enough money without a clear strategy, while the other one was aiming to become a billionaire, with a clear strategy and action plan.
It’s no coincidence that the one whose goal was to become a billionaire got it, and who thought of enough money without setting a strategy and a concrete, failed. You can never have a plan while you do not a specific strategy and exact number with a finite goal.
Failure to understand what is needed to attain what they want
It’s clear that formal education plays little in making someone a billionaire or a success in their career and life, but at least the people who introduced education helped us to gain a starting point.
With no formal education…I am talking about reading, writing and math, we would never know what the basic is. Now as we already know, it gives us a new thinking, an exposure to different skills and knowledge, findings and experiences which is the real foundation for success.
To be able to attain your goal, you need a planned step by step doing some small tasks every time, that will bring success. To be able to do that, we require an understanding of knowing the steps, procedures, tasks and subtasks that will attain every sub result and results of every step towards your success.
You need to move from step one to go to ten; you will pass level two which has several points to go through on a reasonable order if you want to build a sustainable success.
Some will ask, if you have to go through that many steps and sub steps, how come there are successful people who seem to have jumped to success without requiring to go through all these; the answer is simple, there is no set formula to every success, but there is a formula for anyone’s success, the formula you set yourself based on what you need, resources available (well, the resources may be knowledge, experience, energy, finance etc. which differs from one another).
But also most successful people have taken years and years working on a dream and it appears to the outside world that their success was over night which is just not true.
So it’s imperative that we know our goal, steps, and resources we have, they become our strength.
It’s true that there are billionaires who are under 30, but looking at them you will find they had resources you lack, they had plans to get resources they needed, and invested in getting resources they required to be successful. Bill Gates is an example, his greatest resources were his knowledge and skills in programming, and he used the resources effectively.
Do you know what you need to be successful? Are you investing all you can in getting resources needed to get successful?
Failure to be committed and consistence
Now you have an idea on what you need, an idea of specific steps you have to take, reasonable resources required and a timeframe so you think you are ready for the race.
- Do you have discipline required?
- Are you strong enough to go through all steps and with the same consistency?
- Are you strong against distraction?
- Is it a true goal or just a wish?
- Are you sure you will win?
If you see it will take many years to get what you deserve, make sure you are ready to go those years of hard work, and if not so don’t go. It will be a loss of your valuable resources that could have been invested effectively in what you can get.
So guys you are what you can get and not what you wish. You are the real image of what you have been doing, and you will be the person you dream in if you do what’s needed to be done.
Be the man or woman you want. Just understand you have all it needs to be successful, in which field? I have no idea; all depends on what you can do best and the best that can be attained in what you can do best.