
Self Improvement: 2gether we are Better

Be InspiredPersonal DevelopmentWhat I learned Yesterday

What I learned yesterday.

Life is too short to be wasting ones time in the past and dreaming of a future at the expense of the present. I have learned this the hard way. I assure you all that matters is now, the here and now.

Now do not get me wrong we should learn from our mistakes and triumphs and ensure that each mistake or triumph makes us better today and take action today for our futures but be in the now.

One has to embrace past mistakes and bad experiences, as it is here we find lessons which will ultimately make you better but do it in the now. So I beg you let the past go, too many of us live there and keep replaying it over and over; sometimes making it better or worse than it was. This behavior robs us of the precious now, the here and now, this is moment. We can act, we can change, we can breath, we can live, we can be that is it the now.


But you the one who lives in the future and believes this is what matters the most; You are wrong as you are wishing your life away. Wasting every precious moment of the now, on the future, this is not living my friend but dying. I have lived in both the past and in the future and none of which served me well. So yes this is what I have learned and I will endeavor to stay in the now.

The present is where the power lives. It is the present you can change and amend your past mistakes. It is the now that you can take action to shape a better and brighter future for you and all, whatever your ambition to be. The now is the key, so I urge you be like me and try the now.

Many people within the self help industry, often refer to living in the now. But I was first introduced to this concept a few years ago by a great friend of mine who is no longer with us. He was suffering from a terminal illness and had received a book by Eckhart Tolle which is called the “Power of Now”. He found this way of living to be the true way. This book is a must read for you. So go and get this and please my friends go live in the now and forget the past and leave the future in your dreams.


Hakuna matata



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