
Self Improvement: 2gether we are Better

Personal Development

The habits of Successful vs. unsuccessful people

The habits of Successful vs. unsuccessful people

As I woke this morning thinking what great research should I do to compile a great motivational article for our readers, I thought I should find out what sets a boundary between successful and unsuccessful people. I went through profiles and biography of influential people we know out there, studied how they behave to certain circumstances and realized; truly, there is a difference as I will explain here below.

I would say, I did not go too deep about the unsuccessful people, as I know them personally, I know more unsuccessful people in person than I know the successful. I am not talking financial success, but a success as a human; the way we think, the way we act, the way we explore things, the way we live within the community and the way we help the world share the best.

It’s clear that every person wants to be successful, but some don’t understand how to become, here we will go through the habits of successful people as the standard and template we should be looking at and following so that we can reach that height and exploit all our potentials.

Let me highlight the habits of unsuccessful people, it’s clear that no one is perfect 100%, so whether you are successful, there are some habits that you will find here and that you can change for the best.

The unsuccessful believe that the successful are lucky, these small minded people are holding on to this illusion as to be honest successful people work and make their own luck. You will find, I can assure you the more action one takes the more luck they create. This reminds me of a great line “Action is the Yard stick of Character”. So guys people who are unsuccessful will always find excuses to justify their position. Many People will say its “too hard” “you do not understand”  Brendon Buchard says here about such comments how big is you ego in a world of 7 billion people no one understands??? Come on. Let me highlight the habits of unsuccessful people and Successful below.

Habits of Unsuccessful People

  • Think they know it all
  • Act before they thoroughly think
  • They fear change
  • Give up easily
  • Waste their time
  • Talk more than they listen
  • Blame others for their failure
  • Horde Information and data
  • Stop Learning
  • Think and say negative things
  • Secretly hope other fall
  • Never set goals
  • Get distracted everyday


Habits of Successful people

  • Set a plan and track a progress
  • Fail and learn from mistakes
  • Spend valuable time with right people
  • Compliment Others
  • They think and lay long term goals
  • Accept responsibility for their failure
  • Embrace the change
  • Talk about ideas, not about people
  • Share Information and data
  • Learn, read and improve everyday
  • Work with passion and commitment
  • Want others to succeed
  • Have a list of what to do, and when


It’s clear that the world needs more successful people than the unsuccessful, we are living in the mercy of successful people who shared the best to other generations, who are continuously learning and investing in themselves and wishing other success. You guys I believe people are getting it wrong, they are in competition with each other, and this is a complete waste of time. The reason I say this you will only reach the standard good enough to beat your competitor and possibly never reach your through potential which in all honesty is your duty. Here I invite you to contemplate this quote below.




The people who put long term goals and create stragies to achieve and put short term wins for motivation are the ones who made  the world a better place to live, I am grateful for them. It’s imperative that we become successful in our lifes but this will take work education and discipline, but we can do it here working together with 2gether people, I have 1000% faith in you.

Percentage chances of Success in mindset

Here below is a table showing the chances of success in our mindset in relation to what we are going to do



So guys you see here the chances of success to any Idea you have, and any idea you want to push forward. In any case if I say to myself, I can’t, even if I try I won’t be able to do it as I know I cannot, these are the kinds of mindset that need to be completely eradicated.

A successful man will say “I do this” while the other might say “Think I might do” obvious these will results in different outcomes. The one who is ready to do it and win no matter what is the winner, the man who is so unsure whether he will do it or not, he might end up failing even in initial stages of the project.

So Guys, this is the compilation of different habits between the successful and unsuccessful people. No one is 100% perfect, but let’s not reinvent the wheel let us copy those successful people and mirror them.

Co-written by Dimmy Winston and Colm McGill